Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Little Black Cat's Story

A dear friend of mine, Nicola, knew that I am a mega cat lover, so she wrote me a story about a little black cat called Trouble!  But,

"Trouble isn’t his real name, but all the other cats have called him that for so long that it stuck, because he always gets into trouble."

So I've decided to call him "Curio" for now, as it seems to suit his curious nature quite well, heehee.  (And thankfully he didn't get killed by his curiosity, only close calls.)  As for the little girl, well, Nicola didn't give her a name either but I'm going to call her "Cherry" because I keep seeing her wearing a cherry-red French beret, just like Nicola herself. :P

The story itself is surprisingly close to my kind of story-telling style, especially with the protagonist being the good and innocent cat.  Since Nicola is not against the idea that I'm turning this into an animation or a picture book, there's a high possibility that I will publish it in some form by the end of this year!  So stay tuned!


Samantha Weitzel January 10, 2014 at 9:47 PM  

Sounds really cute! I wonder what kind of curious adventures your cat protagonist will find himself in? Should be fun to create. :)

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